Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Be quick to forgive

As a life coach and law of attraction practitioner FORGIVENESS is something I work on with my clients a lot.  And it's something people seem to have a big problem with so let me share a few ideas.

  • Forgiveness sets you free.  
  • It clears space in your mind for positive things to come into your life
  • When you forgive, you clear negative energy in your body
People often say "I can't forgive that person.  What they did was so wrong."

The reality is when we hold onto negative feelings about someone or a situation then we are hurting ourselves.

So someone hurts you, then you hold onto the negative feelings toward then for years so they keep on hurting you (actually you're hurting yourself).

So let it go and forgive.

You may also need to forgive yourself for things from your past.

So do your forgiveness work and then practice quick forgiveness from now on.

Who or what do you need to forgive.

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