Friday, June 24, 2016

Quick Tips: Keep your goals simple

As a life/business coach, one thing I come across quite a lot is people OVERCOMPLICATING their goals.

People come to me for coaching to help them achieve their goals and I ask them to tell me what their main goals are.

I'm often left completely confused and with no clear idea of what they actually want to achieve.

It's a bit like getting in a taxi and saying I want you to drive me somewhere in London.  The driver reall wouldn't know where you wanted driving to specifically and you could easily be dropped off somewhere you really don't want to be.

I think what happens is people feel like if their goal is complicated, it's more important.  It's also never likely to be achieved.

Keep your goals super simple, even great big goals can need to be simple and clear.

Make sure you know exactly what your goal is and then you'll know the exact point when you achieve that goal.

Best wishes


Check out my Goal Setting for Business Success course 

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