Saturday, June 25, 2016

Quick Tip: Are you getting enough sleep to be productive?

I'm a huge fan of Brian Tracy.  A few years ago I heard him speaking about getting 8 hours sleep a night.

I have to say at that time I was pretty exhausted, often working until early hours of the morning and then getting up again before 7am.  

I was tired, moody and my productivity levels in my business was very low.  I simply found it too difficult to focus for very long.  I had many half finished projects.

So I thought to myself, well, what i'm doing now isn't working so I may as well give it a go.

It took about 3 nights to get used to going to bed earlier and I really had to force myself,  then things settled down and within a week I was noticing massive changes.

I had energy to do the things I wanted to do.
I got far more work done and was able to consentrate and complete projects.
I was happier and nicer to be around.

I can go on, but I'm sure you get the idea. 

I encourage you to give it a try.  And see what a difference it makes.

Happy sleeping.


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