Monday, June 27, 2016

Quick Tip: What to do when you're short of time

Life gets super busy now and then.  Today I want to share some tips with you to help when you feel like you just don't have enough time to do everything.

  • Write it down -  I know this is giving you an extra task but it will pay off very quickly.
  • Prioritize the absolutely essential things
  • Cancel anything you can - People really will understand and if they don't, they really don't care that much about you.  Tell the truth.  Simply say, I've over-committed and I have to cancel.
  • Say "NO" - To requests on your time, to the kids, to extra work...
  • Take regular slow, deep breaths.  STOP and refocus regularly.
  • Don't try to multi-task too much.  It's better to focus on completing one thing at a time.  
  • Ask for help, delegate or simply cross some things that are not essential off your list completely.
Best wishes


Check out my Time Management Tips Book on and

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