Monday, October 24, 2016

Be a positive thinker

Have you noticed how some people are really positive and some people are really negative?

As a law of attraction coach, I teach people how the law of attraction works in their life and one of the key factors is that we draw into our life that which we focus on the most Wanted or NOT.

One of the ways we can be more positive is to work on being a positive thinker.

I want to share two ways today to help keep your thoughts positive.

Use positive affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that we can say to ourselves.  

Here are a few examples:

All is well in my world
I'm always in the right place at the right time
I'm so lucky
I always arrive at the perfect time
I am enough
I am loved
I am a quick learner

Write your own affirmations down, repeats them often throughout the day.  Fill your thoughts with them.

Spot it and swap it

Any time you catch yourself thinking in a negative way, spot it and swap it for a better feeling thought.  You can use the affirmations and you can simply shift your thoughts to what you want.

For more on the law of attraction and how to create a life you love, check out my Law of attraction for life online course.

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